An Evening with Andy North and Friends in Scottsdale, AZ

Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 5-8pm

Scottsdale National Golf Club, 29001 122nd St, Scottsdale, AZ 85262

In 2009, Andy & Susan North joined with the UW Carbone Cancer Center to create the Andy North and Friends Cancer Fund to support innovative cancer research and treatment. Now, a decade later, they’ve helped raise over eleven million dollars in support of UW Carbone’s mission to defeat cancer through the rapid application of groundbreaking, world-class research, prevention and treatment.

We hope you will join us in Scottsdale, Arizona for a special evening of heavy hors d’ouevres, great conversation and an opportunity to support the global impact of the UW Carbone Cancer Center.

Special guests include:

Andy North, Two-time US Open Champion, ESPN Analyst and Cancer Research Advocate

Robin Yount, Milwaukee Brewer, Baseball Hall of Fame and Two-Time American League MVP

Dustin Deming, MD, Assistant Professor Department of Medicine Carbone Cancer Center

Dr. Howard Bailey, Director of UW Carbone Cancer Center

Event generously hosted by: John and Linda Hughes & Dave and Jean Gerry

If you have questions or updates to your guest names, please contact

Jen davie at or (608) 421-3597