A business lunch with Andy North and Friends in madison, wi

wednesday, september 2, 2020, 11:30 AM - 1:00 pm

Monona Terrace, 1 John Nolen Dr, Madison, WI 53703

In 2009, my wife Susan and I began the first Andy North and Friends event as a unique way to raise needed funds for the UW Carbone Cancer Center. The purpose was simple: bring friends together to fight cancer.

In 2020, we are moving into our second decade of support to fight cancer. Together, we have raised over eleven million dollars to fund innovative research at UW Carbone Cancer Center, leading to over $100 million more in federal funding and making concrete progress in the fight against cancer. We are thankful to have you consider joining as a sponsor for this upcoming event.

My time as a golfer and a cancer survivor taught me there are always higher goals to achieve – there is always more we can do. Andy North and Friends is designed to give hope to the fighters.

We hope you will consider joining us this year as a sponsor for A Business Lunch with Andy North & Friends on Wednesday, September 2, 2020.

A Business Lunch with Andy North & Friends 

Sponsorship Opportunities 

Championship Sponsor: $10,000 

  • Sixteen (16) Front Table Lunch Seats  

  • Eight (8) Tickets to the VIP Welcome Reception held prior to lunch 

  • Logo and link on Andy North and Friends website 

  • Logo and name recognition in communication & event day materials 


Tour Sponsor: $5,000  

  • Eight (8) Lunch Seats 

  • Four (4) Tickets to the VIP Welcome Reception held prior to lunch 

  • Logo and link on Andy North and Friends website 

  • Logo and name recognition on event day material 

Green Sponsor: $1,500  

  • Eight (8) Lunch Seats 

  • Name recognition on Andy North and Friends website 

  • Name recognition on event day material 

If you have questions, please contact

Jen davie at jldavie@wisc.edu or (608) 421-3597